(844) 800-8294 info@equippress.com

Self-Publishing Pricing


We are the only self-publisher that specializes in books by and for pastors and ministry leaders. Is that you?


$ 4,499


  • Association with a 25-year-old highly respected company whose mission is to equip the Church to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Higher dollar returns when your book is sold through our ChurchLeaders online web store
  • FREE one-year subscription to our award-winning Outreach magazine (6 issues, value $99)
  • FREE PRO membership to SermonCentral.com. Includes unlimited downloads of videos, PowerPoint presentations, countdown videos, worship videos, and background stills. (12 months, value $149)


  • Equip Press is able to provide unique exposure to your niche market that would otherwise cost you thousands of dollars to purchase.
  • Guaranteed book excerpt or article on one or more of our ten websites
  • At least 100,000 website ad impressions that we design and include on our heavily trafficked web sites
  • Your sermons will be posted on SermonCentral.com
  • Presence on our Outreach Media Group/Equip Press social media sites and possibly to our opt-in email newsletters to a 300,000+- subscriber audience


The stuff other self-publishers can do, but we do it really well!

      • Custom and eye-catching covers by award-winning designers
      • Copy editing (spelling, grammar, punctuation).
      • ISBN number
      • Back cover copy
      • Sales-driven copy for Amazon.com
      • E-book conversion and distribution
      • US bookstore distribution
      • Discounts on author add-on purchases
      • 70% royalty on all net retail sales
      • Marketing coaching
      • Five FREE copies of your book

    Add-Ons for Basic Publishing Package Only:

    • Global distribution for an additional $25

Available Features

Helping your book have the furthest reach


Custom book cover design An experienced designer will create a beautiful and marketable book cover design based on your ideas and recommendations (see Agreement for details).
Professional interior layout We will convert your edited manuscript to a professionally formatted book, using fonts and design to make your book more readable (see Agreement for details).
ISBN Your book will be assigned a unique numeric commercial book identifier so booksellers can easily identify and purchase your book.
USA bookstore distribution We will place your book in the country’s most comprehensive wholesale network serving 39,000 USA booksellers for on-demand printing and fulfillment.
Churchleaders Online Store Make more money when your book is sold from the Churchleaders Online store
Global bookstore distribution* We will place your book in the world’s most comprehensive wholesale network serving booksellers in the UK, Germany, Australia, Italy, China, South Korea, Brazil, and India.
eBook conversion and distribution Your book will be professionally converted for Kindle, iPad, Nook, smartphones, and for every other eBook reader, and then placed for sale on each.
Outreach magazine advertising* Your book will be advertised with a partial-page advertisement in Outreach Magazine, the #1 magazine for pastors and church leaders.
Outreach optimized web campaign* Your book will be advertised with 500,000 “impressions” on the Outreach network of websites. Millions of visitors monthly
Amazon Page  Your book will be posted for sale on Amazon.com with complete meta-data and with Amazon’s popular “Look inside the Book” feature for on-demand printing and distribution.
Outreach products Your book cover will be featured on a high-quality vinyl banner for your church or community, plus VIP discounts on Outreach products.

* Additional costs apply