(844) 800-8294 info@equippress.com


Equip Press, a division of Outreach, Inc, offers Christian pastors, ministry leaders, and authors unique self-publishing tools and resources to publish books and reach readers with the Gospel worldwide. Isn’t that why you’re writing a book?

When you choose to self-publish with Equip Press, you not only bypass other self-publishers that don’t offer any promotion or marketing, but you partner with a company whose mission is to see your book get into the hands of readers.  We become your partner in marketing and selling your book.

Because Equip Press is a part of Outreach, Inc., when you publish your book with us we leverage all of our massive media properties to give your book marketing and promotion–which would cost you thousands of dollars to buy on your own.

Sermoncentral.com –1,500,000 visitors monthly

ChurchLeaders.com– 1,000,000 visitors monthly

ChurchPlants.com –80,000 visitors monthly

ForEveryMom.com–4,160,000 visitors monthly

FaithIt.com–2 million visitors monthly

Outreach Magazine– circulation of over 80,000

Email blasts, e-newsletters, podcasts, specialized mailings, hundreds of thousands of web ad impressions, banners, printed promotional material and our own online store  gives you a greater return on your investment and more!

We have years of experience in the book publishing industry and can successfully guide you through the ”minefield” of self-publishing making sure your promotional strategy is geared to fit your goals and most importantly, your budget.

We place a high value on quality—we vet all of the titles we publish and reserve the right not to publish any title that doesn’t meet our editorial standards or our Statement of Faith.

Our Editorial Promise

We strive to produce and release high-quality books, and only books that abide by our Statement of Faith. Unlike many other self-publishers, we review every submission and accept only those books which promise to support our mission to equip the Church to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please ask for details about our submission and approval process.